New from Deepthink Books
The Three-Berry Academy by Joseph Helgerson
Intended for middle-grade readers, The Three-Berry Academy returns to the fantasy world of Horns & Wrinkles, where trolls who live along the Mississippi River have strong feelings about going to school—they’d rather not.
Ms. Quiet Quickthorn is the headmistress of a one-room schoolhouse found at the bottom of Big Mouth Slough. There’s a catfish in the school’s rafters and a snapping turtle hall monitor. But even with their help, Ms. Quickthorn has her hands full. Young trolls just don’t want to return to school after a summer of roaming free on the river. To fill her classroom she first has to catch her students, and they don’t come willingly, which only adds to the fun.
- ISBN 978-1-949615-00-5 (paperback)
- ISBN 978-1-949615-01-2 (library edition, case laminate hardcover)
- ISBN 978-1-949615-04-3 (dustjacket hardcover)
- ISBN 978-1-949615-02-9 (e-book)
- Library of Congress Control Number: 2024906524

Publisher Information
Deepthink Books publishes middle-grade fiction for young readers of all ages. It’s named in honor of Bodacious Deepthink, a rock troll with an appetite for books, especially when they’ve been sautéed in butter. Its titles are available through independent bookstores, Ingramspark, Draft2digital, Overdrive, and Amazon. At present we are not accepting submissions for publication.